Organizing Projects

Create a Projects Folder for Course Projects

We will be creating lots of projects throughout the course and it's important to keep these projects organized. We'll create a single folder on your computer where we will store all of our work for this class. For each new project we work on, we will create a new folder within your projects folder.

From the file explorer, create a new folder where your projects will go. You can name this folder whatever you want. For example, skillspire/mern. Choose a name that indicates this is the top-level folder where all of your work will go.

Create Project Folder

Create a new folder within your projects folder named "First Article".

Load the new Project in Visual Studio Code

  • Start Visual Studio Code

  • Open your new project folder in Visual Studio Code by clicking on the "Explorer" icon on the left hand menu and click on the button "Open Folder" and choose your First Article folder.

  • Navigate to the First Article folder and select Open. The folder will open in Visual Studio Code’s side pane. At this point, there should not be any contents in the folder.

Creating a New HTML File - Index.html

Within Visual Studio Code, when you create a file, be sure to name it with the .html extension. A good filename is index.html, as that if often the name for the default page for a website.

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