Week 2 - Apr 24, 28th

Saturday April 24th

Enrollment Forms

Review Git/GitHub

Get First Article assignment submitted

Start html-tags exercise

Work on Article Layout


Finish html-tags exercise, submit CodePen url as assignment


Finish First Article semantic layout in prep for styling next class

Article Layout

Watch scrimba Intro to CSS video lesson in prep for styling next class.

Wednesday April 28th

Visual Studio Code Ayu Theme

If anyone is interested in the theme that I was using today, you can go to this site to install.

Class Topics

Intro to CSS

Super-hero CSS

Front-end Mentors 3 Column Preview

Class Recording


Finish super-hero-css exercise.

You don't need to turn this assignment in, but you should work through this one first, before proceeding on to the Front-end Mentors challenge.

super-hero CSS

Finish Front-end Mentors 3 Column Preview

Turn this assignment in by creating a git repository on your local computer and pushing it to GitHub and netifly. See directions in exercise.

FE Masters - 3 Column Preview


These are links to topic pages in the Important CSS Concepts Section.

ColorsTypographyBox-ModelBorder-radiusBlock-level vs. Inline Elements

Last updated