Build Site

let sections = ["tech", "sports", "arts", "food", "science"];

function capitalize (string) {
  return string[0].toUpperCase() + string.slice(1)

function buildNavLinkHTML(sectionName) {
  return `<li><a href="">${capitalize(sectionName)}</a></li>`;

function buildNavLinksHTML() {
  let html = '';
  for (let i=0;i<sections.length; ++i) {
    html+= buildNavLinkHTML(sections[i]);
  return html;


Add id to link

function buildNavLinkHTML(sectionName) {
  return `<li id=${sectionName}><a href="">${capitalize(sectionName)}</a></li>`;

Build Nav Links

function addNavBar() {
  let linksHTML = sections

  element = document.getElementById("nav-bar");
  element.innerHTML =
  `<nav class="nav-container">
  <a href="index.html">
    <img src="images/logo.png" class="logo" />
    <li><a href="">Account</a></li>

Build Article HTML

function buildArticleHTML(article) {
  return `
        <img src="${article.imageURL}" alt="" />
        <span class="category category-${article.topic}">${capitalize(article.topic)}</span>
        <h3><a href="">${article.title}</a></h3>

Build Articles HTML

function addArticleGrid(sectionName) {
  element = document.getElementById("article-grid");
  let articlesHTML = articles
    .filter(x=>x.topic ===sectionName)

  element.innerHTML = articlesHTML;

Add Showcase Article

function addShowCaseArticle(sectionName) {
  element = document.getElementById("showcase");
  // for now, just get the first article in the section
  let article = articles
    .filter(x=>x.topic ===sectionName)[0];

  let capSectionName = capitalize(sectionName);
  let showCaseHTML =
    `<section style="background:url(${article.imageURL}) center/cover" class="showcase ${sectionName}">
        <span class="category category-${sectionName}">${capSectionName}</span>
        <a href="" class="btn">Learn More</a>

    element.innerHTML = showCaseHTML;

Last updated